
In this blog post, we’ll explore the three main reasons why you should choose a product information management (PIM) system over legacy products.

1. PIM Is The Right Tool For Consolidating Product Data

A product information management system (PIM) is a system that helps you maintain, manage and share product data. It can help you consolidate your product data from multiple sources into one place. This means that you will have all of your product information in one place rather than having it spread across various systems and databases.

A PIM will also enable you to get the right information in the right places with minimal effort on your part. For example, if an email comes in from a customer about a problem with their order, then using a PIM would enable them to provide instant answers as well as send over relevant documents related to the order such as receipts or invoices so that they can fix any issues quickly while saving time and resources along the way!

2. PIM Can Help You Improve Data Quality

One of the biggest advantages of a PIM is that it allows you to import and export data. Importing and exporting data can help you improve the quality of your product information by allowing you to compare it with other systems, or even other sources. You can also use importing and exporting as a way to consolidate data from multiple systems into one central location for ease of use, which will save time in the long run!

3. PIM Makes It Easier To Control Who Gets Access To What

Another advantage of a PIM is that it makes it easier to control who gets access to what data. For example, when you create a new part in your PIM, you can specify who has access to that part and what level of access they have (e.g., view only or edit). This is especially important for sensitive data such as customer personal information or financial records. If a user does not have permission to view or edit the data, then their access will be restricted automatically—no more forgetting about the security settings for one particular record!

In addition to controlling who has access to specific pieces of information, you can also configure your system so it tracks changes made by different users over time. This enables administrators like yourself to see who created each piece of content and determine whether any changes were made outside their original intent before approving them.

PIM is the right tool for consolidating product data, helping improve data quality and making it easier to control who gets access to what.

PIM is the right tool for consolidating product data, helping improve data quality and making it easier to control who gets access to what.

Data consolidation is essential in creating an efficient business. It involves collecting all the information related to a particular product, then consolidating it into one place so it’s accessible by everyone on a company’s team. A PIM makes this process much easier because you can pull together all of your product-related data in one place rather than having it spread out across multiple systems or even different departments within your business. This will save time when searching for specific details about any given item: You won’t have to search through multiple databases just to find one record relevant to that item.


Product Information Management is the right tool for consolidating product data, helping improve data quality and making it easier to control who gets access to what. The best thing about PIM is that it’s easy enough for any company to use—you don’t need special training or expertise in IT systems management to get started!